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Recurring Deposit Scheme

Strengthen the future

Recurring deposit schemes are especially useful for regular depositors. In this scheme, savings can be increased by making regular deposits over a fixed period of time, which keeps the deposits safe along with the benefit of interest rate.

So that you can enjoy long-term financial benefits by making regular deposits. A recurring deposit plan gives you a systematic and regular return on your savings.

Recurring Deposit Scheme

Monthly payment amount Annual interest rate for 6 months is 6.75% per annum. Annual interest rate of 8% per annum for 12 months Annual interest rate for 24 months is 8.50% per annum. Annual interest rate of 9% per annum for 36 months
500 3,000 3,059 6,000 6,260 12,000 13,063 18,000 20,498
1,000 6,000 6,118 12,000 12,520 24,000 26,125 36,000 40,995
2,000 12,000 12,236 24,000 25,040 48,000 52,250 72,000 81,990
3,000 18,000 18,354 36,000 37,560 722,000 78,375 1,08,000 1,22,985
4,000 24,000 24,473 48,000 50,080 96,000 1,04,500 1,44,000 1,63,980
5,000 30,000 30,591 60,000 62,600 1,20,000 1,30,625 1,80,000 2,04,975
10,000 60,000 61,180 1,20,000 1,25,200 2,40,000 2,61,250 3,60,000 4,09,950

Terms and Conditions

  • Only members can open a recurring deposit account.
  • To open an account, a minimum monthly installment of Rs. 500/- is required.
  • If the monthly installment is not paid regularly, a penalty of 1 paise per day will be levied on the deposit installment amount.
  • While withdrawing the term deposit, no interest will be paid for 0 to 6 months. For 7 to 11 months, interest will be paid at an annual rate of 5%, for 12 to 18 months, at an annual rate of 7%, and for 19 to 24 months, at an annual rate of 8%.
  • Irregular payments can cause a difference in interest rates.